We are SK. Bukit Jelutong Dengue Patrol team. Come and join us to fight Aedes and Dengue for a better life!

Friday, 12 August 2016

Gotong Royong at Subang Murni

Another gotong royong anti dengue campaign in Subang Murni was organized by Dengue Patrol SK Bukit Jelutong.
Date. : 3rd August 2016
Venue. : Rumah Anak Yatim Nur Sakinah
Subang Murni, Shah Alam.
1. Gotong royong to search and destroy aedes mosquito breeding sites.
2. Putting Abate into the drain and standing water.
3. Giving donations to Rumah Nur Sakinah.
4. Flyers distribution.

1 comment:

  1. Saya mewakili Rumah Nur Sakinah ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih diatas sumbangan Tuan dan Puan.
